100 Sexiest Actors – 4

This pick is probably going to be a suprise to most people, but I really have just had something for this actor for many years now . . . so in 4th spot . . . Kevin Costner

I have pretty much been in love with Kevin since I was young and totally loved Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. I really just thought it was the best movie and loved Kevin in it as Robin Hood. Yes everyone seems to critise the movie and give Kevin a really hard time about it all, which I have never really understood. I think over the body of his work, he has taken risks and put in some fantastic performances over the years, and still puts in good performances to this day.


I really think he is another who just keeps getting sexier with age. He has always been sexy but just seems to get even better with age, which is just fantastic for those who are watching it him. He just has some type of sex appeal no matter which role’s he is in. My two favorites for how sexy he has looked in recent times are “Rumor Has It” and “The Guardian”.

In “Rumor Has It”, I just think its totally realistic that the graduate was based on him as he is pretty irresistable still at an older age in that movie. I actually liked him and Jennifer Aniston together, haha. While in “The Guardian” he was taking on a role similar to Folley in An Officer and A Gentleman, and training the next crop of rescue swimmers. The uniform definatly added more hotness to an already hot Kevin.

He seems to enjoy playign characters who have a past and try to deal with the past. Two examples I can think of are, “Message in a Bottle” and “Dragonfly”. I really do believe he has shown that he is a really good actor and can take on any type of different role in order to make a good movie. He also likes to step behind the camera and direct.

His best acting role recently has to be in “Mr Brooks” as the serial killer who just cannot help it, and keeps doing it because he has a problem with killing people. Not because he wants too. I really thought he done a great acting job in this movie and showed he could play that different type of character. One of his most famous roles has to be in “Field of Dreams” which I just totally love, the end scene asking his dad to play catch with him is just so moving.

2 thoughts on “100 Sexiest Actors – 4

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  1. I agree he is sexy. Those of us who are lucky enough to see him in person
    feel he has very nice blue eyes. My mother always thought Paul Newman had
    the nicest eyes. I first saw him in person April 2004 during the Walk of Fame
    in downtown Greenville SC in conjunction with the BMW golf tournament.
    Barbara Nemec


  2. I too actually have seen him a couple of times, movie premiers and the opening of The Clubhouse here in OC….he is very, very sexy and very nice besides. First time was the opening of For Love of the Game…wished I saw him when he was younger, since I did have a lot of opportunity to do so. He is like wine, gets better with age.


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