Good Luck to You, Leo Grande (2022) Review

Nancy Stokes is a retired school teacher who is looking to add something more to her mundane life and eventually have good sex. She hires a young sex worker named Leo Grande, and has a hotel room all booked!


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Why I still love Friends as much as ever!


Friends originally aired from 1994-2004. I would guess I started watching it around 1998/1999 and caught up with the episodes whilst still on TV, watching the final seasons as they happened.

My love for the TV show has always been huge from collecting them on VHS yes really on VHS and constantly watching them over and over whilst having a poster on my wall! Since then I upgraded on DVD but I don’t think I actually had each season. Then going all out and buying the Blu-Ray box set with every single season and episode! Throughout all that still watching at any time on E4 then now Comedy Central. It is one of those shows that it really doesn’t matter how many times I watch each episode, I could probably quote each and every line from each episode as well!

From January 2018 the full series was added to Netflix UK following on from it being added to Netflix US last year. A very exciting start to 2018. I have naturally been watching episodes and episodes between films and other things and was outraged that millennials watching for the first time and complaining about all aspects of the show! Especially considering I have just checked that millennials range from 1982-2002 therefore I am classed as one of them being born in 1987. Let’s just say this must be the younger of the generation!

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Why Fifty Shades is anything but romantic!

Everyone at the moment is apparently in love with Christian Grey again. You know that billionaire who thrives off abusing women with pain in “sex” punishments to make himself feel better.


In Fifty Shades Darker he even calls himself a sadist. He’s controlling, manipulative and suffocating. Telling you that you can’t do something and wanting you just for his own. The latter of that would or could be nice I guess but not in the way it is portrayed through his character. Does this therefore risk our ideas of love and relationships to change?


Give me Robert in Bridges of Madison County standing in the rain any day over Christian Grey and his “playroom” any day!

Continue reading “Why Fifty Shades is anything but romantic!”

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