Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

Romantic drama films are probably my favourite sub-genre if it is even a thing, so anyway Happy Valentine’s Day!

The Incredible Romance in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Since seeing The Curious Case of Benjamin Button at the cinema when it was released I have had a soft spot for it ever since. A truly incredible film filled with so many emotions while managing to be thought provoking. I watched it again a couple of weeks ago now and have still been thinking about the meeting in the middle scene. Probably not a more satisfying scene in the whole film when Benjamin and Daisy can eventually be together.

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Why I still love Friends as much as ever!


Friends originally aired from 1994-2004. I would guess I started watching it around 1998/1999 and caught up with the episodes whilst still on TV, watching the final seasons as they happened.

My love for the TV show has always been huge from collecting them on VHS yes really on VHS and constantly watching them over and over whilst having a poster on my wall! Since then I upgraded on DVD but I don’t think I actually had each season. Then going all out and buying the Blu-Ray box set with every single season and episode! Throughout all that still watching at any time on E4 then now Comedy Central. It is one of those shows that it really doesn’t matter how many times I watch each episode, I could probably quote each and every line from each episode as well!

From January 2018 the full series was added to Netflix UK following on from it being added to Netflix US last year. A very exciting start to 2018. I have naturally been watching episodes and episodes between films and other things and was outraged that millennials watching for the first time and complaining about all aspects of the show! Especially considering I have just checked that millennials range from 1982-2002 therefore I am classed as one of them being born in 1987. Let’s just say this must be the younger of the generation!

Continue reading “Why I still love Friends as much as ever!”


As you are well aware I am a huge fan of going to the Theatre, catching my favourite actors on stage and the occasional stage door visit as well. This year I have managed a lot of touring UK shows, many visits to the West End in London and an incredible trip to New York for some amazing Broadway shows. Nothing better than watching live acting and singing before your eyes in some beautiful Theatres!


This is being celebrated on Twitter and really is fantastic to find amazing posts from performers and shows as well as fans!

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Blogathon: 7 Films That Make Me Cry


This post is part of the “No You’re Crying!” Blogathon, which is taking a look at all of the different films that have moments that make us cry! Let’s face it we just love to have a good cry at a film, it really does help at times! At one point they did not really effect me very much, but now I cry for all different reasons when watching a film. So with this list I have tried to pick the seven films which have made me cry (and sob) the most considering the list in general would be rather long now. I have mixed it up a little bit with the truly sad and extremely romantic moments.

I must also warn you that due to this blog post looking at different parts of films it therefore will contain some SPOILERS.

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Catherine Zeta Jones & Michael Douglas

I really do just feel that I totally have to fangirl over this picture, which I did but it also deserves to have a blog post about it. I couldn’t help but totally love this photo, which was taken a couple of days ago before Catherine was due to perform at Carnegie Hall (CZJ Facebook). As Michael is showing the devotion and support to his wife, the way they are looking at each other really is something else!


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Why Fifty Shades is anything but romantic!

Everyone at the moment is apparently in love with Christian Grey again. You know that billionaire who thrives off abusing women with pain in “sex” punishments to make himself feel better.


In Fifty Shades Darker he even calls himself a sadist. He’s controlling, manipulative and suffocating. Telling you that you can’t do something and wanting you just for his own. The latter of that would or could be nice I guess but not in the way it is portrayed through his character. Does this therefore risk our ideas of love and relationships to change?


Give me Robert in Bridges of Madison County standing in the rain any day over Christian Grey and his “playroom” any day!

Continue reading “Why Fifty Shades is anything but romantic!”

V-Day . . . I’m a soppy romantic at heart!

I wasn’t going to mention that it is Valentine’s Day . . . Honest. But every year I cannot help but come up with something to post about. Last year I went for it with some huge posts and put together 100 Romantic Films but if you are more cynical than that here is a Top 10 of Anti Valentine’s Day Films!


No better way to start off than with this incredibly amazing (and soppy) quote from one of my all time favourite films ever. You cannot help but love When Harry Met Sally!

Continue reading “V-Day . . . I’m a soppy romantic at heart!”

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