Let’s Go To The Movies – 50 Favourite Films!

This is something I have been putting together for quite a long time now and I have held off posting it or even attempting to start the blog post in fear that I have forgotten and somehow missed a favourite film from the list. Barring in mind I got up to 72 films and then had to cut it down to the 50. I would like to make clear these are my favourite films, some might have happened to win Oscars as well and some certainly have not at all. The way I have decided on my favourites is the sheer joy they bring and the number of rewatches I have had over the years. While I have listed 1-50 a lot of them can be shifted around and changed with each other. It is going to highlight my love for musicals and for certain actors and actresses! I doubt it will contain many surprises though!

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A look back at 2008 in film!

I thought it was about time to take a little look back at the world of film a whole decade ago, yes really we have had Heath Ledger’s Joker for that long now! I was seriously hoping for a re-release at the cinema in all honesty, felt it would have been perfect to celebrate the 10th anniversary.

Why So Serious? 

I am going to take a look at some of the films that I enjoyed most from 2008, this might be looking back to having seen them for the first time at the cinema or just catching up with them later. It’s actually quite scary when you look back 10 years and not realise which films were actually released then and we can now call old. I would think most of them are standing the test of time pretty well in all honesty.

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The Pledge (2001) Review


Jerry Black is retiring as police chief when the last case he is involved with he cannot easily let go of, Stan Krolak quickly finds a suspect who has learning difficulties and he gets him to admit he killed the young girl. But Jerry isn’t convinced, he thinks a serial killer is still on the loose!


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7 Older Men I’ve Had An Obsession With!

Feel free to judge me but I don’t really care! I certainly have some strange obsessions and fangirl moments over older men. I am hoping that with this post people will either agree, understand where I am coming from or just respect my total honesty in admitting my random obsessions. This has often resulted into buying a lot of older films and rushing out to see the latest release from that actor and generally just well loving them!


Continue reading “7 Older Men I’ve Had An Obsession With!”

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