Gran Turismo (2023) Review

Based on a rather unbelievable true story about turning gamers into race car drivers, could it be done?


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Red Right Hand (2024) Review

Cash is attempting to live a nice quiet life with his brother and niece but when Big Cat wants him back on her services he doesn’t have a choice to try and protect those he loves.


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20 Years of Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring!

I seriously cannot believe that it has been twenty years now since Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring was released in cinemas. I remember going to the cinema to see it as well, although not fully understanding what exactly it was but I can safely say that I had never witnessed anything like it before and the debate to whether we will ever witness anything on this scale again is very much up for debate.

One of the only pluses about the lockdown last year and when the cinemas reopening they did not have a whole lot of films and Lord of the Rings got a cinema release and they only went and put the extended editions on the big screen (the only editions now really) and I went to see all three of them twice within ten days of the big screen, as Odeon screened them first and then when Cineworld added them in I just had to go again. That was amazing that 19 years on and I still love them more than ever. While I may not watch them on repeat as much as I used to and in particular Fellowship of the Ring, my obsession with the film came a year after the cinematic release when I got the extended edition on DVD that looks like a fancy book. I would seriously watch it and then start it al over again, I have watched them all with the cast commentary and every single special feature.

It’s safe to say I was utterly obsessed with Middle Earth, I managed to read all of the books as well before Return of the King was released and I was just well taken into this magical world. If there was no Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings then you would not be reading this and Let’s Go To The Movies would not exist. It was the film that really grew my love for cinema and how amazing films could really be, no other films have made me feel the way this trilogy did and I don’t think anything will ever come that close. I felt part of the Fellowship and wanted to be on that journey with them, given the way the filming was done we really did feel that way when it came to watching the cast off set as well as on set. I was a member on some Lord of the Rings forums (anyone who is old enough to remember what an Internet forum is) as well as an Orlando Bloom forum. I have never hidden my fangirl moments over Bloom, which all seemed from Fellowship of the Ring, albeit I was slightly disappointed the first time I found out he didn’t actually have blonde hair. Hey, I was 14 years old?

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Let’s Go To The Movies – 50 Favourite Films!

This is something I have been putting together for quite a long time now and I have held off posting it or even attempting to start the blog post in fear that I have forgotten and somehow missed a favourite film from the list. Barring in mind I got up to 72 films and then had to cut it down to the 50. I would like to make clear these are my favourite films, some might have happened to win Oscars as well and some certainly have not at all. The way I have decided on my favourites is the sheer joy they bring and the number of rewatches I have had over the years. While I have listed 1-50 a lot of them can be shifted around and changed with each other. It is going to highlight my love for musicals and for certain actors and actresses! I doubt it will contain many surprises though!

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2020 Letterboxd Stats!

I signed up for Letterboxd way back in 2015. Yes, really! Although I didn’t actually start using it properly until the end of 2019 and therefore 2020 was the first full year that I logged every single film that I watched. Albeit not as many Cinema films as I would have liked, which leads me on to saying during the lockdown/furlough stage I spent a lot of time logging in the diary all of the films I had seen at the Cinema dating back to 2003 (yes, I still have my Lord of the Rings: Return of the King ticket). This obviously took a few weeks as I also logged the films I have review on here as well. So as you imagine a lot of time was taken to do this. It gives some amazing all-time stats though.

Here we can take a look at my 2020 stats and I am sure no one will be surprised with my most watched films either!

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