Blogathon: Against the Crowd 2016


I took part in this Blogathon back in 2014 for some reason or another which I am totally unsure of I didn’t take part in 2015. I must apologise for that as I totally love this Blogathon as it shows that everyone is different and don’t love and hate the same things, one of the best things about watching lots and lots of films!

Massive thanks to Wendell @Dell on Movies and KG @KG’s Movie Rants for putting together this fantastic Blogathon!

The rules are simple…
1. Pick one movie that “everyone” loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have a score of at least 75% on Tell us why you hate it.

2. Pick one movie that “everyone” hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of less than 35% on Tell us why you love it.

3. Include the tomato meter scores of both movies.

4. Use one of the banners in this post, or feel free to create your own.

5. Comment on this post, or on KG’s Movie Rants with the two movies you intend on writing on.

6. Publish your post on any day from Monday August 22 through Friday August 26, 2016.

Warrior – Even seems to love this and I hated it

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This probably seems like a strange pick considering that I really do love a good sports film, but this one did not do anything for me other than make me annoyed. I still haven’t quite got over that Nick Nolte was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars you cannot understand a word he says in the entire film. So I was certainly missing something with this film!

The Huntsman: Winter’s War – Looks like everyone hates this one and I actually loved it! v1-btsxmtczotezmdtqoze3mdu1ozeymda7mjayntszmdaw_zpsxidjl9rs huntsman_zpswjyesoyg

I honestly thought this had such a good and interesting storyline and found myself fully engaged from start to finish. It was much better than the first instalment but as you can see with the ratings it appears the critics panned it and the audience while a little nicer to it still didn’t really like it. I will continue to support this film, I mean come on Emily Blunt was added in and who doesn’t like Chris Hemsworth?

19 thoughts on “Blogathon: Against the Crowd 2016

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  1. Welcome back, Caz! I actually love Warrior, and Nolte in it, but hey, that’s what this is all about. Haven’t seen Huntsman, yet. I’m looking forward to seeing it since I’m one of the few who liked the first one. You helped keep my anticipation fairly high. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Wendell so pleased I spotted the Blogathon and got this together so quickly. If you liked the first one I am sure you will like the second!


  2. I’m yet to see The Huntsman so I can’t comment on that but Warrior?! I understand about the mumbling but that film gives me man tears every viewing lol! Oh well, I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna like what I choose for the film I hate…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I didn’t hate Warrior, but it’s a seriously overrated film. I really don’t get why so many people think it’s so incredible.

    I haven’t seen either of the Huntsmans. Must correct that at some point.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I was very disappointed in Warrior considering the cast and I usually enjoy boxing films, though the idea of going to a boxing match in person holds zero appeal, but it was dull and slow. So true about Nolte, he use to be an interesting actor with a gravel voiced intensity but I had the same issue with him in this.

    I didn’t care for the first Huntsman outside of Charlize Theron so I never got around to the sequel. Though looking at the cast of the second I might give it a chance.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hey Caz, ah I loved Warrior. Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton were simply spectacular. Haven’t seen Winter’s War yet and I’m not too eager to see it but your views have me wanting to give it a chance.

    Thanks for contributing to the blogathon.

    Liked by 1 person

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