100 Sexiest Actors – 20-16

Now we are into the top 20 !!!

So here are the next 5 in my list . . .

20. Gerard Butler


The sexy Scot really has been hard to miss over the last few years. He was the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera, which in one was a shame as his lovely face was covered by the mask, haha. But then he was just gorgeous and lovely playing Irish Gerry in P.S. I Love you. He then went gangsta last year in RockNRolla which again he was sexy and great. So he really is in a great position and always linked to different actresses romantically.

19. Hugh Jackman

This sexy Aussie has recieved a lot of attention since he basically came to Hollywood from the Broadway stage. He was a big star on broadway and made a very good transfer to the silver screen. With his acting ability and good looks I am sure there was never a doubt he would be a big star. As Wolverine he was just incredible in the X-Men movies and has now been in lots of different types of movies, playing different types of characters. Hosting the Oscars this year was a big achievement too.

18. Christian Bale

The current Batman, and very sexy. He has brought a whole different edge to the world of Batman and has really matured from a child star to a very sought after actor. I am sure his looks are great for him as well, getting different roles. He definatly is an actor who has tried not to be stereotyped into a certain role, and has done so many different types of movies and characters.

17. Paul Newman

The owner of possibly the sexies eyes ever in the world of film. He really does have the best undress you eyes/come to bed eyes. Totally piercing. He was a gorgeous man.

16. Clive Owen

He was tipped to be Bond . . . James Bond. And he definatly has the looks to pull off Bond. But it wasnt his turn, haha. He is so sexy, he has a deep voice which is also sexy. He is just WOW . . . I loved him in “Closer” as he just oozed sex appeal.

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