Unfrosted (2024) Review

Back in 1963 we follow the rivlary between Kellogg’s and Post as they compete to change breakfast forever.


We have Jerry Seinfeld in a director, co-writer and acting role to lead this film and quite frankly that was enough alone to get me to watch this one, a bonus was the rest of the cast that have come together for it. Although none of that would therefore prepare me for what I was about to witness.

Unfrosted is a truly terrible experience of a film, that somehow with all of the comedic talent on display manages to be unfunny and quite frankly painful from scene to scene. In what is the history of the creation of the Pop Tart, I mean that is quite relevant as I am sure at some stage of life everyone has had one?

Everything about it was just too silly, past the point of it still being a litte bit funny and that was massively disappointing. I know Netflix films can be very hit or miss and this is certainly the latter. Another which was pushed on the debut weekend for you to watch it, and I need to stop falling for that but I guess when you have watched so many films it is actually hard even across streaming services to find something new that’s also good.

I was very late to the Seinfeld party in terms of the TV series that I only caught up with in the past couple of years, but watched it through twice and I think it was always going to be difficult with the high standards that set for him. Hugh Grant naturally continuing his outstanding career choices so the one star is for him and him alone!

3 thoughts on “Unfrosted (2024) Review

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  1. I haven’t ever liked anything Seinfeld has done and while the premise of this one I think has potential, I know I’ll hate myself if I force myself to watch it. There are half a dozen hilarious clips that vomited out over many years, but to me I never found the other years of minutes remotely funny. I know I’m in the minority (feel the same way about the Simpsons) but I just can’t watch this with him in it. I’m not surprised you found it as terrible as I predicted. Thanks for the review and helping make sure I don’t waste my time.


  2. I think I’m one of the few to actually like this movie, lol. I found it quite funny, more so than I expected. It was also interesting to see Thurl Ravenscroft being portrayed in a film, probably the first time he’s ever been portrayed. Granted, he’s played comedically and by an Englishman with an English accent, but it was still interesting.

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