Toast (2010) Review


Nigel Slater is nine years old in 1967 living in Wolverhampton he truly adores his mother but she is not a very good cook at all. It nearly always ended up with it being toast instead. He has a flair for cooking himself and gets very passionate about it. The death of his mother would only be the start.


Sometimes you need to ignore what you are told about a film as a plot summary on a streaming service. This was on Amazon Prime and I do believe that it said Dusty Springfield songs would be involved in the film, that happened twice so I don’t really think it was worth a mention to be brutally honest.

It is easy to say that Nigel Slater had a very tough start in life with the death of his mother when he was young and being left with her father who he was rather distant from. He did not like the way his son put himself across and behaved. It didn’t really take him too long to bounce back from the death of his wife by starting an affair with the cleaner he hires Mrs. Potter. A woman that Nigel did not like or get on with at all. He actually thought the family was too good for her and she was just common.

Obviously it did not matter what he thought and she marries his father and the war between the pair starts with cooking as a way to show affection, but that backfires when they argue and cause more problems for the family. Nigel has always battled with his sexuality and it seemed as though from an early age he accepted that he was attracted to other males.

With the cast I expected a little bit more from this one but I do have to praise Oscar Kennedy who played the young version of Nigel he was outstanding and put himself across very well. Then growing up into Freddie Highmore was a good transition. Ken Stott took a good part because I really did not like him at all, which was showing he took on board the character well. Helena Bonham Carter always puts in a decent performance and willing to take on different characters. The big issue with all of this I felt was the script was very thin and did not really offer anything exceptional.

I did not have any prior background on Nigel Slater but I don’t think that really mattered very much and the final scene was pretty good to see him arrive in London and then told in the credits what he had gone on to achieve, showing that not everyone has the perfect start in life or up bringing and you can still change everything for yourself.

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