Blind (2017) Review


Bill Oakland a novelist is left blinded after a car crash which also killed his wife and must now have people read stories written by his students. Suzanne Dutchman must do this three times a week after a court order for community service as her husband Mark has been involved with insider trading.


In what becomes an unlikely romance as two people who are suddenly thrown together why they don’t want to be. Suzanne absolutely hated what she had to do and read the stories to Bill, but slowly she gets to know him and manages to help him through the difficult stage in his life. She is having a tough time as well-being dragged into her husbands crimes and doubting how she now feels about him.

This obviously sets up th romance between the pair in a very quick fashion really, you can tell what is going to happen between them but it was still nice to watch. I think that would probably best way to describe this film and that it is very nice. It has a heart and I thought Baldwin and Moore had very good chemistry with one another, which was essential for the love to work on-screen and I personally think it did.

I thought it offered some interesting insight into how difficult it was for Bill and attempting to continue with life after the car crash. It is even said that he did not leave the house for the first year. It must be one of the most difficult things to ever adapt to when you can no longer see anymore. How he had to learn how to live again and do the simple things everyone takes for granted. Suzanne also learns a lot from Bill with his no found love for life in a different way, she must open her eyes and except that she has not been happy with Mark for a long time.

The only problem with that is it took him to be put in prison for her to be able to admit that she doesn’t actually want to be with him anymore. The lies that got her doing community service instead of prison, because she was suspected to be involved in his dodgy business dealings. He does not come across as a nice person or even a good husband at all, with everything he put her through.

While this is not an outstanding film, I still quite enjoyed it with the performances from Alec Baldwin and Demi Moore being decent. The ending was also very nice as well and rounded it all off very well. I would probably put this as a good film to just chill out with when you need something that does not require a huge amount of attention. Plus if you have a thing for Alec Baldwin like I do it is then well worth watching, I almost got through this whole review without mentioning that but I guess I have to admit that having him in the film was the main reason I decided to watch it!

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