Kinky Boots (2005) Review


Lola (Simon) a drag queen comes to the rescue of Charlie Price when he inherits his fathers shoe factor and needs a new product to help keep the business afloat and all of the workers to keep their jobs.


Believe it or not this was the first time that I have actually seen this film, for some reasons it has always slipped through me watching it. Luckily I have now rectified that and throughly enjoyed the film from start to finish and will be looking to see the musical version later this year as part of its UK Tour.

Charlie really is struggling to come to terms with the loss of his father and entering into the show business which he wasn’t fully interested in. I think it was therefore something special to see him really become part of the whole business and strive to make it all work out especially when he got to know the people who worked for him better. When meeting Lola and coming up with the idea of making men’s fetish footwear she comes on board as a designer and this is something that helps the business strive forward. The unlikely partnership certainly does have some issues along the way when Charlie cannot understand Simon/Lola and why a man wants to wear a dress.

The business problems put a strain on the relationship with his selfish fiancé who clearly does not want him for him and sees the possibility of money with selling the business. So he certainly has plenty to contend with. Along with that we are given musical numbers as we see Lola perform and some comedic moments when she first enters the factor and easily winds up some of the male employees in particular Don.

It has such a good balance to the drama, comedy and music to make it an all round lovely film in all honesty. I see that as a huge compliment to the film and fits in with that very good British natured story. We see that in quite a lot of films and this one is no different. I am also left wondering why I hadn’t made more of en effort with it before, so if you have not seen it then I demand you join me and watch it very soon as you are certainly missing out.

Performance wise Joel Edgerton and Chiwetel Ejiofor complement one another in fantastic fashion. With the balance of man and drag queen it really does work out for such a good and interesting ride, mainly due to the high level of performance put in from both actors. Ejiofor has always impressed me with his incredible range in different roles but as Lola I feel this is on a totally different level! With Edgerton I am seeing this as around the time he was starting to break out into bigger and leading roles, I have seen a lot of his recent work and he always impresses as well. Such a good combination in a feel good film, that you really shouldn’t miss out on.

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