3100: Run and Become (2018) Review


3100 Miles the worlds longest race where competitors have 52 days to complete the distance and are allowed to run from 6am until midnight.


The ultimate ultra marathon as the runners head to Queens in New York to take on the unbelievable challenge. Between June and August each year and the course is 0.54 of a mile long and they constantly loop it, each day the direction changes. But they look to cover around 59.62 miles a day. With the time of running between 6am and midnight that gives them six hours to try and get some sleep. Absolutely fascinating that people want to take part in this brutal race, the prize is still like any other race as well a t-shirt, a dvd and a small trophy (slight upgrade on a medal?).

My issue with the documentary is that it doesn’t actually show enough of the race and the runners taking part it drifts to different countries and the music doesn’t really fit very well with the actual film. I found it rather difficult to watch as it just wasn’t done in a very interesting manner. Which is a massive shame as a 3100 mile race is tough to take. I understand they were attempting to capture of the spiritual side of running but I didn’t really feel any of that at all.

As a runner I wanted to see more of the race similar to The Barkley Marathons but that is not what was given. We go to Japan, Finland, Kalahari Desert and Navajo Nation Reservation in Arizona. I just felt it removed the passion of running and competing by doing that. Which was rather disappointing from the viewing side for me at the very least. Just nowhere near as good as other documentaries I have watched around running and marathons.

I just don’t imagine this encouraging people to run, which is something that should be done in a documentary right? I certainly think so. Something else that let this down was that we didn’t really get to know the people who were taking part in the race just a little bit of information here and there. We needed to get to know them a lot more, as that builds the tension further and more importantly that we care what happens to them throughout.

I wanted to like and enjoy this so much so I feel that I am being a little bit harsh. Although I guess I have to be honest at the same time, when I think about other documentaries I have watched with regards to marathon or ultra marathon running I would not recommend this one. But The Barkley Marathon and Skid Row Marathon I really would say are essential viewing!

5 thoughts on “3100: Run and Become (2018) Review

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  1. Interesting Caz! As you say, the running is a big part of… running. My brother did the crazy 100k Ultra across from Italy to France a year or two back, but seeing those elements are vital, surely?!

    I guess if the documentary is concentrating on spirituality that’s a different thing but, if you’re doing that, don’t focus on the ‘longest race’ part?

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    1. Oh yeah totally this documentary was just a bit of a mess. Probably didn’t help that I watched Skid Row Marathon first and that is utterly incredible and inspiring.

      This one just fell so short! That is incredible from your brother, how did he find that? I’ll just stick to the marathon distance haha

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      1. Heard a LOT of good things about the Skid Row Marathon one, still need to check it out.

        He’d been doing that type of running for a while, so good but obviously a hell of a test. What they don’t tell you about Ultra running is while it IS a long distance, they can be very, very slow. Haha!

        I should have been doing my first marathon in Manchester at the start of the month but it’s been moved to October, obvious reasons, so gonna train for it again – maaadness.

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        1. It’s on Amazon Prime if you have that, well worth a watch. As is The Barkley Marathons (that is just downright crazy).

          Oh yeah I’ve seen the feasts they have as well while doing them! Haha, I don’t think I could ever up the distance as struggle to fit marathon training in at times.

          Oh yeah, I did Manchester in 2018 and then London two weeks later oops! Have you enjoyed the training? I was training for Tokyo but that got pulled 6 days before the race and 4 days before I was due to travel!

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