Barely Lethal (2015) Review


Megan Walsh has been training to be an international assassin since she as a child and now becoming a teenager realising she is missing out on having an actual life.


When she gets the opportunity to try and disappear after witnessing other teenagers when she is out on a mission this is something that she wants to be part of. Coming up with a plan to get a sponsor family to take her in and having a high school experience. However her training and Hardman was always going to catch up to her.

Everything about the film and story is incredibly boring, flat and quite frankly predictable from start to finish. I guess the only thing it has is that you feel sorry for Megan considering she as placed with other girls and trained from a very young age to be an assassin which is rather crazy and off the wall to begin with. Something that makes the film very strange from the offset and personally for me I couldn’t really accept that as it was just way too sadistic.

The high school experience was never going to be fully what she expected it to be and the family she ended up with are far from the picture perfect group they looked in the photo. That creates many situations for them all to bound and realise that things are never what they seem. Megan must rely on her training when Heather shows up and will not just let her go and have a more “normal” life. Something Hardman must show is compassion which it never appears that he actually has.

Considering the cast is pretty impressive with Hailee Steinfeld and Samuel L. Jackson in the leading roles. I have been a fan of Steinfeld for many years and its a shame that she wasn’t given more for this role to be a lot better. It seems as though this is a pretty standard type of film for an actress of her age, just makes me think of Miley Cyrus in So Undercover and Emma Roberts in Wild Child, although the latter might be a bit of a strange comparison but its those strange roles trying to appeal to many age groups. Sophie Turner once again proving that she is a truly terrible actress, her emotionless acting seems to only work in Game of Thrones.

Before watching Barely Lethal I had never heard of it before and in all honesty now I have watched it I kinda wish that I had never actually heard of it. I would certainly say this is a film to avoid at all costs as you will just find yourself annoyed and frustrated!

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