The Sky’s the Limit (1943) Review

Fred Atwell sneaks away from his famous squadrons personal appearance tour for a few days to live a normal life, as a normal man way from any attention. It doesn’t take long for him to fall for Joan Manion who has no idea who he really is.


With The Sky’s the Limit, we get an all singing and dancing film from start to finish as we follow Fred’s journey to be a normal man again even for a few days. Obviously we know instantly that it is not going to be easy and straightforward as he would have hoped. I did find parts of the story difficult and the treatment of women to be a tough one to watch, which is sometimes a tough thing when it comes to watching older films. I do try to remind myself that it was a different time and things were just different, but that never really works in all honesty and I did struggle a lot with this one.

Joan Manion was actually quite a good spirit in terms of her chasing a career of being a photographer and not really needing a man. Although when Fred then starts pursuing her that would then actually change, and that is where I think I got a little bit lost with this one.

In terms of musical numbers this was the origin of ‘One for My Baby (and One More for the Road) which was also the only song I actually recognised when watching the film. In all fairness though that was put in a good way. The rest was not really all that memorable, but I do very much enjoy tap dancing scenes and this had quite a few so that was entertaining at least.

Quite difficult to really put together a full review as I really did not like or enjoy so much of it, despite the singing and dancing it wasn’t really saved for me. Although surely that is going to happen watching older films and in all honesty I don’t think I have seen many from 1943!

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