Our Souls at Night (2017) Review

Widow and Widower Addie Moore and Louis Waters had lived next to each other for many years but had no relationship. Realising that they both are very lonely they get to know each other better and form a lovely bond.


Our Souls at Night gives hope that no matter what age you reach or the heartache and loss you may suffer in your life that it is never too late to find someone who can make you happy. Everything about the build up of the relationship between Addie and Louis was so innocent and pure, the fact that since the death of their respective spouses they struggled with that more on a night time trying to sleep. Which leads them to then come up with an arrangement of sleeping (just sleeping) in the same bed as each other each night, to have that other person there and help with them feeling safe.

Their children do not really understand why they are suddenly “friends” in a small town people were bound to talk right? That is certainly as it seemed. When Addie is then looking after her grandson Jamie, this builds an even bigger relationship with Louis who helps her over the summer. With her son Gene not being all that reliable and then having to help the boy feel loved.

Everything about the film was just so lovely and given that Robert Redford and Jane Fonda were both on top form and worked so effortlessly together I really was taken in by this film. I felt as though the story, characters and performances were all well balanced and quite frankly that made a true joy to watch. Iain Armitage most well known from Young Sheldon fame was brilliant as well, such a great young actor who oozes confidence on screen. Redford is certainly a joy to watch still in this one and his handsome looks have continued as he has aged. It was also refreshing to see Fonda playing a character closer to her actual age, I’ve felt in recent years she’s gone at least twenty years younger.

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