Doctor Strange (2016) Review


Dr Stephen Strange is about to have everything he has ever known turn upside down. He lived for being a neurosurgeon and his quest to get his life back takes him on an incredible journey.


The build up to this film being released seems to have been drawn out for a very long time, the trailer attached to well pretty much anything and everything that has been out for well the past few months. That isn’t a bad thing though as I guess it does work and makes you want to see the film even more.

Benedict Cumberbatch was the perfect choice to take on the role of Dr Strange. He just works so well in each scene and his character development is great to watch from start to finish. The arrogance he has being a great surgeon and seeing himself above well everyone around him, we get the hints of a failed relationship with Christine a fellow Doctor. This same arrogance leading to an awful car crash and losing the use of his hands. Now that is certainly the worst thing that can happen to him professionally, career over. Moral of that part of the story had to be do not use your phone whilst driving.

After this and the aggression and anger, not being able to cope with the pressure he is putting on himself. He hears about a miracle case which gives him hope and he then sets off on a journey. This journey is not actually going to lead to the place he first thinks. Everything he has ever known is going to be flipped upside down as we find out living and the world isn’t as flat as it appears. Different dimensions exist and with the right training you can master so many different things.

Focusing on the metaphysical side of protecting the world, at times you can see how this is going to fit perfectly into the Marvel Universe giving it another dimension that will certainly expand the universe in the same way that Guardians of the Galaxy can take things in a new direction.

Performance wise Cumberbatch is a great lead and we get good things from Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One, she certainly does not shy away from anything a little bit different. Chiwetel Ejofor is another actor who seems to be taking on many different roles in recent years and great to see in this setting. Is it ever going to be possible to not have Mads Mikkelsen as the bad guy? He really is typecast but I guess he does it well! I would have loved to have seen more of Rachel McAdams as Christine as I thought she seemed to have such a strong character and could more than hold her own with Strange.

The film is mind bending and very strange at times but all of that is in a very interesting and good way. I couldn’t help compare the training Strange goes through to that of Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins, it really did have that feel surrounding it and we all know how that series progressed! It pushes your limits to think about reality and what may actually be possible beyond that, ok to a huge extreme but still anything that is thought provoking has to be a positive when watching it. I am certainly looking forward to seeing more of Dr Stephen Strange in the ever expanding Marvel Universe!

8 thoughts on “Doctor Strange (2016) Review

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  1. I thought this was a lot of fun. The story’s a bit overdone (as you say, definite shades of Batman Begins), but the visuals were pretty incredible and I thought they pitched a good level of humour. Hopefully they can replicate those elements but add a more original story in the inevitable sequel!

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