Movies Men Cry to . . . by MSN

On my homepage for MSN when coming on line, I noticed that one of the sections was on “Movies Men Cry to”. So decided to not only read it but blog about it and see whether I can actually imagine any of my male friends crying to these movies.

E.T. The Extra Terrestrial is the first up in the list, I can imagine possibly a boy crying if they relate to Elliott and would had to say goodbye to there best alien friend.

The Shawshank Redemption – I have to admit that I did not cry at this one, but have seen it in a few lists of movies that make men cry.  Maybe its the male bonding factor?

American History X – I have yet to see this movie.

The Champ – I have seen this and cried, can understand more why men would cry as well.

Dead Poets Society – Carpe Diem . . . I think anyone of either sex who does not shed a tear or at least fill up at this movie is made of stone or something.

Field Of Dreams – a story about a son’s search for his father “build it and he will come . . . can understand with the father/son relationship being the main topic how it could effect men of all ages.

Forrest Gump – Everyone must shed a few tears at different parts of this film, as Forrest is just not smart enough at times to realise what is going on around him.

Gladiator – I guess this one is because of his love for his family.

Glory – Another which I have not seen.

The Green Mile – This one actually broke my heart, and has to be another of the if you did not shed a tear or fill up you are made of stone movies.

Kramer vs Kramer – The breakfast scene at the end is so sad, can understand the father/son relationship again.

My Life – This is really is heartbreaking, a man making videos for his child to watch so he knows him.

Hotel Rwanda – Have yet to see this movie.

Saving Private Ryan – I found this really hard to watch, mainly for the reason that its so heartbreaking with how real it all looks and seems.

Schindler’s List – This is on my Sky+ to watch

Seabiscuit – Yet to see this movie

Stand By Me – Yet to see this movie

United 93 – I found this really awful to watch, and I am sure everyone else who has seen it has as well.

Watership Down – I cried my eyes out when watching this as a child, although cannot remember much of it now.

It’s A Wonderful Life – It must be quite impossible not to cry to this, what would happen if you were never born.

Original Source: MSN Entertainment

So my question is to the male population out there, which movies make you cry?

Do they feature in this list?

5 thoughts on “Movies Men Cry to . . . by MSN

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  1. The only movie that made me cry missing from this list is ONCE. I can’t say precisely why, but I found the scene where they first play together in the music shop incredibly moving.

    Aside from that, you have me with PRIVATE RYAN, HOTEL RWANDA, IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, and FIELD OF DREAMS. Of these, only the latter is able to make me misty everytime…the others were all one time phenomena.


  2. I always heard “Frequency” was quite the tear-jerker, something about the father/son relationship. Another movie that seemed to elicit waterworks from the fellows was “Pearl Harbor” — at any rate, it will make dads cry because their fathers were involved, or their uncles were, etc.


  3. I bawl in “Up.” The whole “Married Life” sequence showing the two lovers just undoes me. I only cried at the end the first time; when I saw it again, I started crying when the music started.


  4. I never cry during movies. I don’t like watching movies that make me sad, and even when I do run into sad movies, I don’t even get teary eyed. I’m not into those sappy chick flicks and I’m probably the only person who has never seen Titanic. There are only two movies that get me.

    Dangerous Minds – When Emilio dies.

    Up (2009) – The whole movie was pretty sad actually. I didn’t cry, but I definitely wanted to.

    Side Note: There are some sad movies (John Q, Pay It Forward, and We Are Marshall) that are designed to make me (and other people) cry like a baby, but they just make me mad! Don’t people feel manipulated when they watch that overly sentimental tripe!?


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