Tropic Thunder (2008) Review

Tropic Thunder follows the story of a group of actors who are filming a big-budget water film but everything takes a dramatic turn when they actually become soldiers but still believe they are just acting for the film, with hidden cameras everywhere.


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Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) Review

Peter La Fleur must stop White Goodman from owning his gym Average Joe’s as he attempts to take over with Globo Gym. Due to the amount of debt he is in La Fleur signs up a team of misfits into a dodgeball tournament with the winners receiving $50,000 which would be enough to keep Average Joe’s Gym.


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The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) Review


The Tenenbaums are a rather dysfunctional family with the three gifted siblings having the potential to go on to achieve great success as they did in youth but not being able to transfer that into adulthood. The return of Royal their father after many years is about to cause chaos for the family, each dealing with their own problems and failure.


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Cineworld Secret Screenings 1-10

Back in 2013 Cineworld started doing Secret Screenings for Unlimited members and by 2018 we had reached the 10th Secret Screening. In the past week we have had announcements for two taking place in July 2019! So I thought this was the best time to have a look back at the first ten films we got as special previews.


Cineworld have slightly changed the way they used to do them as for the early ones we got clues over the week building up to the screening date, but they stopped doing that and changed the running time and standard age of 15. This meant that we had a child free preview of Incredibles 2 and that was quite frankly outstanding!

Something they usually do in a very clever way is having the screenings not long before a huge release and people get taken in that it is going to be that film (yes, thinking about to Star Wars and it was actually In the Heart of the Sea). Not forgetting that we have also had a preview of a film that went on to become the Best Picture Oscar winner, Green Book. So we have certainly had many different genres in the Secret Screenings.

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Top 10 – Worst Films of 2018

Each year I find this list harder to put together considering I feel I make better choices when it comes to which films that I find myself watching. But obviously you are still going to come across some pretty awful films. I would just like to put a reminder on that this is obviously just my opinion! (You can check which films I saw at the cinema during 2018 here and 2018 films tagged here).  This all done by UK release date as well!

Here are the films that made it onto my top 10 worst of 2018 list . . .

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Brad’s Status (2017) Review


Brad Sloan is on a trip to the East Coast with his son Troy as he is touring and interviewing for different colleges, with Harvard being his number one choice. Along the way Brad cannot help but think about his own college experiences and how he has since lost his friends from that time . . .


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A Timely Blogathon


As movie bloggers, we all need to find the time and energy to juggle both tasks of watching a movie and then writing our review of it online.

They can be very time consuming activities, so Anna (of Film Grimoire) and Rob (MovieRob) have thought of a temporary solution.

It’s a very timely theme and this Blogathon will be all about Time-saving movies, 90 minutes or less.

You can pick any movie (or movies) that your heart desires as long as it’s official run time is less than 90 minutes.

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The 10 Best Duos In Modern Cinema

Throughout the history of cinema, there have been famous duos: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid; Han and Luke (or Han and Chewie for that matter); Doc Brown and Marty McFly; Jake and Elwood Blues. The pairings go on and on (and actually, this list sums up a lot of the best ones).

For most of the famous duos in cinema, there’s an iconic status that comes into play. We love these duos not just because they were great together on screen but because their projects have stood the test of time and now resonate as classics. That makes it a little harder to determine who the lasting, impactful duos of modern cinema will be. But in the spirit of a certain goofy movie about male models coming out soon, let’s take a stab at it anyway…

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