Genius (2016) Review

Max Perkins was a book editor at Scibner and he oversaw some incredible authors with Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, but this focuses on him being the first to truly believe in Thomas Wolfe and the relationship they would have until his early death.


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A Rainy Day in New York (2019) Review

Young couple Gatsby and Ashleigh travel to New York City for a week, as she has an interview with famous film director Roland Pollard and writer Ted Davidoff. While Gatsby must try to avoid his family considering he told his mother he could not attend her party that evening.


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Contagion (2011) Review


Beth Emhoff when returning from a business trip to Hong Kong suddenly dies after suffering from an infection which is flu like and her young son also suffers. Mitch her husband somehow seems to be immune but as the days pass how many more people will be taken down by the virus?


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A look back at 2009 in film!

Having already mentioned what a huge year 2009 is for Let’s Go To The Movies, formed in the February to be exact. That was therefore a massive year in terms of reviews for 2009 films, catching as many as I possibly could at the cinema and then reviewing them. Something I have grown to love over the past decade!


I don’t feel as though this was really an outstanding decade in terms of films and/or performances but we certainly were given plenty of entertainment. The 3D film was pushed a lot and in a few different ways which is something that Avatar really was groundbreaking with, however after ten years maybe that film was more of a gimmick than actually an amazing film? I certainly think so.

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