“You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.”

I think that is a very true thing, you are going to have bad times and quite often they all seem to come at once with no sign of anything good. I think something that can be done is to simply look back at the photos you have taken on your mobile phone, that has to have something that will make you smile (although could make you even more sad for a few moments) but it should help you that yes things are bad, but they have been good as well. I felt like well nearly all of 2015 was a bad time particularly from September to December as everything went wrong, one thing after another. No light was at the end of the tunnel and I have decided to try and change my attitude for 2016 to not caring as much about the little annoying things that don’t really mean anything, so I am hoping that is going to be possible. With a few different tasks to really keep me from going absolutely crazy I guess!

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