Trouble with the Curve (2012) Review


Gus an aging Baseball scout who is loosing his sight must make an important drafting decision. His daughter Mickey joins him in trying to help him, but also find out why he left her all those years ago.

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Why we must search for the Silver Lining!

So two days after I have seen Silver Linings Playbook and it is still on my mind, I actually used the phrase silver lining today after something changed with work and I have to do something else in the morning. But I worked out my silver lining for that, but if I had not just seen this film I probably wouldn’t have used that phrase! So the point of this blog post? Well just to show that films really can have a big impact on your thinking, they can help you get a clear perspective for something and really change your mindset about life.

Lawrence and Cooper
Lawrence and Cooper

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Silver Linings Playbook (2012) Review

A film taking a look into how mental health can affect someones life and those around them. But when you accept that everything doesn’t go to plan and start focusing on the silver lining of a situation you might just be able to turn your life around, that is something Pat is trying to do since returning home from a stint in a mental institution.

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Bond is Bloody British!!!

Having seen Skyfall twice make that three times now! I couldn’t help but notice how many times the word “bloody” is used throughout the film. I am sure this is seen as a big British word but it really does feature a lot. Hence the title of this blog post, it possibly is the most British Bond film to date with a lot of the scenes being in and around London, with a trip to Scotland as well so the UK is very well used in this film. (But don’t worry some other places are involved too).

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Breaking Dawn: Part II (2012) Review

The end was eventually here for Twilight and Breaking Dawn Part II was released last week with a very high number of viewers attending cinema screenings. Pretty much like the whole of the Twilight Saga, as you may know I was sucked in my the books and loved them up until half way into Breaking Dawn when I stopped reading.

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