Let’s Go To The Movies – 50 Favourite Films!

This is something I have been putting together for quite a long time now and I have held off posting it or even attempting to start the blog post in fear that I have forgotten and somehow missed a favourite film from the list. Barring in mind I got up to 72 films and then had to cut it down to the 50. I would like to make clear these are my favourite films, some might have happened to win Oscars as well and some certainly have not at all. The way I have decided on my favourites is the sheer joy they bring and the number of rewatches I have had over the years. While I have listed 1-50 a lot of them can be shifted around and changed with each other. It is going to highlight my love for musicals and for certain actors and actresses! I doubt it will contain many surprises though!

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My 7 Favourite American Football Films

Inspired by Super Bowl Sunday I thought this was the perfect opportunity to put together my list of films that I love which are about American Football. Just remember though that my knowledge of American Football is not fantastic but I really do love the films about it, working in sport I just find myself obsessed with all different sports films.

My choices are covering many different aspects of the sport and how it really can be used to change and help with so many different things in life! American Football films do have a high quality in performances and storylines to go along with some great quotes and speeches!

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Double Feature Theatre

The double feature theatre is what I would show in a week, the theme for the whole week is going to be Sports films. Each day we will have two films on from the same sport. I work in sport and have a degree in sport, so the chance to relate my love of watching films in my spare time and how I make my living seemed like such a good way to go with my theatre. A lot of sports films have been very good and very well receieved. I have decided to pick different sport’s for the double feature with three that don’t fit into the others for the triple play on the Sunday.

When possible I have tried to have women and men’s sport in the selections, but also not just films focused on the players/athletes of a sport. I have also tried to remember about the fans and agents who are also a massive part of sport as well.

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