Mrs Doubtfire – Deleted Scenes

I came across this late last night and find it to be really incredible to watch in all honesty. It just shows how many different layers they put together for what I certainly regard as one of my all time favourite films.

But if these scenes had been left in it certainly would have given it a much darker edge, as it did place a lot of the emphasis on the comedy and funny moments. I like that this has come to my attention as it shows more of the horrible things that happen when a family breaks up.

Also showing once again how great Robin Williams and Sally Field were acting together!

What are your thoughts on these deleted scenes and do you think they should have left them in?

A Life in Movies

The latest blogathon event around the film-blogging world is ‘A Life in Movies’ this quite simply means I have picked a film from each since I was born. That year being 1987. The approach I have taken to this post is to document the films which have meant something to me. Mainly from that time (although the first couple of years will be that I watched them when old enough to remember).

I always enjoy doing blog posts like this one as it always lets you take a trip down memory lane when it comes to certain films. Also the thought of then posting them the same day as many other blogs and then having the chance to compare and see if they have chosen any of the same films in their list as well.

Most of the films in my list consist of my most watched films ever. Mainly because of over watching as a child and not being able to pass the film over if it is on TV now. So here goes my life in movies . . .

Continue reading “A Life in Movies”

Top 10 – Christmas Movies

As it is Christmas Eve today, I thought the best way to celebrate Christmas on the blog would be to do my top 10 Christmas Movies. The one’s I have grew up watching (and loving) and even more recent films will appear too. As over the past few years some very good Christmas films have been released. The best thing about Christmas films is that you are really restricted to watching them in Decemeber. I mean if you really want to you could watch them in July . . . but that’s just not the same at all! So quite a few films in my collection are only watched at this time of year.

What makes a good Christmas movie then? Well I would say it has to be a very Christmasy message usually involving or revolving around family. Most of the better ones also have the Santa factor too!

Continue reading “Top 10 – Christmas Movies”

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Review

This has to be one of my favorite and most watched films ever. Just because I used to watch it so much when I was little when it first came out and still love watching it now. It still manages to make me smile and laugh, even though I do know all of the words and even tone in which the words are said. Yes that has to help describe my love for this film. I am always shocked to hear if someone has not seen this film as I always just assume that everyone has.

Continue reading “Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Review”

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