Suspicion (1941) Review

When handsome playboy Johnnie Aysgarth meets Lina McLaidlaw on a train in England and they take a walk together. After hearing her parents claim she will never marry this pushes her further into this relationship and marriage!


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Let’s Go To The Movies – 50 Favourite Films!

This is something I have been putting together for quite a long time now and I have held off posting it or even attempting to start the blog post in fear that I have forgotten and somehow missed a favourite film from the list. Barring in mind I got up to 72 films and then had to cut it down to the 50. I would like to make clear these are my favourite films, some might have happened to win Oscars as well and some certainly have not at all. The way I have decided on my favourites is the sheer joy they bring and the number of rewatches I have had over the years. While I have listed 1-50 a lot of them can be shifted around and changed with each other. It is going to highlight my love for musicals and for certain actors and actresses! I doubt it will contain many surprises though!

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A very exciting new streaming service has come to the UK thanks to FilmStruck!

FilmStruck Lead


FilmStruck is a new premium movie streaming service expertly curated by film lovers for film lovers. FilmStruck offers a broad and diverse collection of cinema’s most iconic and ground-breaking films, from genres such as mainstream, cult, independent, art house, classic and documentary film as well as the best of British and foreign cinema. The service draws primarily on the extensive Warner Bros. library and the Criterion Collection, as well as other global and local content partners.

The UK is the joint venture’s initial launch market in what is planned as a multi-market roll out over the next two years. The service will launch in the UK first as FilmStruck Curzon, in collaboration with the iconic independent cinema brand.

For film aficionados and enthusiasts alike, FilmStruck’s on demand service features a highly accessible and regularly refreshed selection of critically acclaimed films from across the decades, unlocking the stories that captivated audiences upon their release and which continue to resonate today. The service has a carefully curated Themed area, selected by film experts, to optimise discoverability and introduce ‘new’ titles to curious audiences.


Blogathon: 7 Films That Make Me Cry


This post is part of the “No You’re Crying!” Blogathon, which is taking a look at all of the different films that have moments that make us cry! Let’s face it we just love to have a good cry at a film, it really does help at times! At one point they did not really effect me very much, but now I cry for all different reasons when watching a film. So with this list I have tried to pick the seven films which have made me cry (and sob) the most considering the list in general would be rather long now. I have mixed it up a little bit with the truly sad and extremely romantic moments.

I must also warn you that due to this blog post looking at different parts of films it therefore will contain some SPOILERS.

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Why Fifty Shades is anything but romantic!

Everyone at the moment is apparently in love with Christian Grey again. You know that billionaire who thrives off abusing women with pain in “sex” punishments to make himself feel better.


In Fifty Shades Darker he even calls himself a sadist. He’s controlling, manipulative and suffocating. Telling you that you can’t do something and wanting you just for his own. The latter of that would or could be nice I guess but not in the way it is portrayed through his character. Does this therefore risk our ideas of love and relationships to change?


Give me Robert in Bridges of Madison County standing in the rain any day over Christian Grey and his “playroom” any day!

Continue reading “Why Fifty Shades is anything but romantic!”

7 Heartbreaking Moments in An Affair to Remember

After taking part in the History Blogathon and mentioning An Affair to Remember, it made me want to watch it again. In the process it also meant that I am inspired to write this post. The film really does break your heart so many times, it’s quite crazy! So I have picked seven times it manages to do just that. But it could actually be more than seven really.


Continue reading “7 Heartbreaking Moments in An Affair to Remember”

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