Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II (2011) The Final Build Up!

The beginning of the end for me is at 12:05am Friday 15th July . . . that’s right I am heading to a midnight screening of the final Potter film when it all ends! Let’s take a small look at some of the scenes that have been talked about by the cast and we have had small clips of in the trailers. I have left out a couple as the spoilers in them would be too much!

The Kiss

One of the biggest talking points has been the long-awaited kiss between Hermione and Ron. Something which the actors who see each other more like brother and sister were totally dreading.

Snape’s Story

For once and for all we will find out what Severus Snape’s story is and which side he is really on. This is something that has kept everyone guessing throughout the entire series. If we start thinking he’s good something happens and we think he’s bad again and vice versa. This has to be the part I am most looking forward to in it’s adaptation from the books, as it actually made me sob!

Neville’s Finest Moment

We have all watched Neville struggle over the years, as everything always seemed to go wrong for him with a wand in his hand. In each class if something happened it always seemed to be to him. But in the final stand and the battle of Hogwarts this is Neville’s finest moment when he proves that he is indeed a brilliant wizard doing his mother and father proud.

Harry and Tom

It all started with the curse going wrong on one year old Harry Potter and now Tom Riddle . . . Lord Voldemort face off. We all know that only one of them can survive but which one will it be? We have seen small clips from this part in the trailers and the anticipation growing towards it is massive.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Review

The 6th year at Hogwarts and everything is becoming darker as we begin to find out about Lord Voldemort’s past. Harry finds a potions book with ‘the half-blood prince’ written in. A favorite character is killed . . .

Continue reading “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Review”

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Review

After the return of Lord Voldemort at the end of the Goblet of Fire. We are wondering how the wizarding world are going to react to it all. Well the answer to that is badly, as the minister of magic tries to claim that Dumbledore and Harry are making it all up. But we all know that is not the case . . .

Continue reading “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Review”

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