2020 Film Independent Spirit Awards – Nominations

Awards season 2020 is officially underway with the nominees for the Independent Spirit Awards being released!


A Hidden Life
The Farewell
Marriage Story
Uncut Gems

Robert Eggers, The Lighthouse
Alma Har’el, Honey Boy
Julius Onah, Luce
Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie, Uncut Gems
Lorene Scafaria, Hustlers

Karen Allen, Colewell
Hong Chau, Driveways
Elisabeth Moss, Her Smell
Mary Kay Place, Diane
Alfre Woodard, Clemency
Renee Zellweger, Judy

Chris Galust, Give Me Liberty
Kelvin Harrison Jr, Luce
Robert Pattinson, The Lighthouse
Adam Sandler, Uncut Gems
Matthias Schoenaerts, The Mustang

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Spirit Awards 2011 – Winners

Black Swan picked up 4 Independent Spirit Awards last night, which was just fantastic to see! The film seems to have been forgotten about in the Oscar race, other than the leading role for Natalie Portman. The Spirit Awards seem to just love Aronofsky and his films.

The King’s Speech picked up another award, this time for Foreign film. Obviously no Colin Firth allowed James Franco to receive a very well deserved award for his role in 127 Hours.

Best Feature: “Black Swan”
Best Director: Darren Aronofsky, “Black Swan”
Best Screenplay: Stuart Blumberg, Lisa Cholodenko, “The Kids Are All Right”
Best First Feature: “Get Low”
Best First Screenplay: Lena Dunham, “Tiny Furniture”
John Cassavetes Award: “Daddy Longlegs”
Best Female Lead: Natalie Portman, “Black Swan”
Best Male Lead: James Franco, “127 Hours”
Best Supporting Female: Dale Dickey, “Winter’s Bone”
Best Supporting Male: John Hawkes, “Winter’s Bone”
Best Cinematography: Matthew Libatique, “Black Swan”
Best Documentary: “Exit Through the Gift Shop”
Best Foreign Film: “The King’s Speech”

Continue reading “Spirit Awards 2011 – Winners”

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