Broken Flowers (2005) Review


Don Johnston is a former Don Juan aka a womaniser, he made a small fortune working in computers and just after his latest girlfriend ended their relationship he receives an anonymous letter stating he has a 19 year old son that could be looking for him . . .


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How I Met Your Mother (TV Series)


Yes, I have had another obsession via Netflix when it comes to a TV Series. I know it has been a while since the whole Gossip Girl binge but at least this one was a little bit different as I had seen a couple of the episodes randomly and not in any particular order. So I didn’t really get what it was all about. But a month or so ago now I started watching it and in true Netflix style could not stop, next episode, next episode and it did not really take me a massive amount of time to watch all 9 seasons. It was very sad getting to the last season and then few episodes though, something I am pleased I have just watched now as the age of the characters at the start is pretty much where I am at now so it certainly touched a lot of nerves throughout.


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