The Hurt Locker (2008) Review


During the Iraq war Sergeant William James has been assigned to the bomb squad and doesn’t really get along with his squad due to the way he handles his work!


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Oscars 2010 – Predictions

I am afraid this is going to be my last Oscars 2010 post until some red carpet pictures and the results and my opinions on who one, how the show went and the hosts Steve Martin and my man of the moment Alec Baldwin. As I cannot as originally planned stay up to watch he ceremony. 😦

Another downside to this years Oscars, I have not managed to see many of the nominated films. Some still have not appeared in my local cinema which has been so disappointing! My predictions therefore have to be based on what I have heard about some of films and performances (and where the other awards shows have gone to).

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BAFTA 2010 – Colin Firth Winner

As you have probably noticed I have totally been slacking with my blog this week. That is all due to starting a new job on Monday and working full time. So I have not had much chance to review some films I have watched, and come up with any new top 10 lists. This also impacted any post relating to the 2010 BATFA Awards which took place on Sunday night.

It was all very predictable and went the way you would expect the awards to go . . . until the very end of course and “The Hurt Locker” picking up the best picture award as I was not expecting that at all.

But one thing that made me extremely happy (even though I am yet to see the film) is that Colin Firth picked up the Best Actor award! I have been a huge Colin Firth fan since seeing him in “Bridget Jones Diary” and even watched some awful films with him in haha. But very much looking forward to “A Single Man” so seeing him with the BAFTA in his hand put a big smile on my face. His speech was charming and funny as well which just added to my happiness.

Oscars 2010 – Nominations

The day eventually arrived and the nominations have now been released (I now know which films I have to watch before 7th March) and we can all start debating and creating our predictions on who is going to walk away with the golden statue come Oscar night.


We go back to 10 nominations for Best Picture and an animated film has been included in those 10, that being Up. Now that will cause a lot of debate because from what I have read people preferred Wall-E to Up. From my first look at the nominations the only suprise for myself is seeing District 9 in the Best Picture cateogry. Everything else is pretty much what was expected.

Best Picture

The Blind Side
District 9
An Education
The Hurt Locker
Inglourious Basterds
A Serious Man
Up in the Air

Continue reading “Oscars 2010 – Nominations”

BAFTA 2010 – Nominations

The nominations were released this morning for the 2010 BAFTA’s and don’t really seem to have many suprises. I was really hoping that The Damned United would recieve some nominations but that did not happen.

I am very happy to see Alec Baldwin nominated for”It’s Complicated” which he was just fantastic in, lets hope he turns up at the awards.

Continue reading “BAFTA 2010 – Nominations”

Golden Globes 2010 – Live

Ricky Gervais hosting the awards which will be an experience, I will keep updating this blog post as the show goes on.

  • The opening speech he headed straight for Steve Carrell with jokes about “The Office” and plastic surgery.
  • Very good opening jokes which seemed to go down well with his audience.
  • Nicole Kidman is the first up presenting best supporting actress in a motion picture.
  • Which goes to . . . Mo’Nique for Precious.
  • First speech of the night is a very emotional one with tears and dreams being reached, a rather long speech.
  • I have just spotted Julia Roberts for the first time 🙂
  • Toni Collette won best actress in a tv show comedy/musical.
  • ooo Robert De Niro is there !!!
  • First Meryl Streep spotting
  • Sir Paul McCartney presents best animated feature and is rather amusing, which has a great shot of Julia Roberts laughing.
  • Winner of best animated feature is Up
  • Kate Hudson introduced some clips from Nine
  • Ricky Gervais saying we have had some worthy winners and some not so worthy winners. Plugging his own film.
  • Felicity Huffman who decided she messed up what she was saying so started over. She has totally lost what she’s trying to say.
  • Best actor in a TV series drama goes to . . . Michael C. Hall for Dexter.
  • Best actress in a TV series drama goes to . . . Julianna Margulies for The Good Wife.
  • Just spotted Mickey Rourke kissing Mike Tyson.
  • Harrison Ford introduces Up in the Air.
  • Cher and Christina Aguilera presenting the best original song . . . The Weary Kind from Crazy Heart.
  • Best original score . . . Up
  •  Best mini series or tv movie presented by Amy Adams and Josh Brolin. Goes to . . . Grey Gardens.
  • Something that always amuses me about the Golden Globes has to be how difficult it is for the winners to get onto the stage if they are not on one of the tables right next to the stage.
  • Tom Hanks introducing Julie & Julia.
  • Colin Farrell who looks very good I might add. Presenting best actress in a comedy or musical . . . Julia Roberts is sitting next to Paul McCartney. Meryl looks embarrassed with both of her nominations. Goes to . . . Meryl Streep for Julie & Julia.
  • She wants to change her name to T-Bone . . . T Bone Streep hahaha. I really do love Meryl the more I see her, she really is just brilliant. Awww she got rather emotional talking about her mother and how she is really grateful for everything.
  • Helen Mirren introduces Precious.
  • Kevin Bacon won best actor in a mini series or TV movie for Taking Chances.
  • Drew Barrymore won best actress in a mini series or TV movie for Grey Gardens.
  • Cameron Diaz introducing It’s Complicated.
  • Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler presenting best screenplay for a motion picture . . . Up in the Air. I am so pleased about this!!! Also Gerard Butler was very cute not letting Jennifer Aniston see the paper then saying I’m not telling you haha.
  • Jason Reitman got rather emotional towards George Clooney.
  • Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher present best actor in a comedy/music on TV . . . Alec Baldwin won for 30 Rock, but he wasnt able to attend the awards.
  • Samuel L. Jackson introduces Inglourious Basterds. He then introduced Sophia Loren who got a standing ovation from the audience.
  • Best foreign language film . . . The White Ribbon (Germany)
  • Best TV series Drama . . . Mad Men.
  • Taylor Lautner introduces (500) Days of Summer.
  • Halle Berry presenting best supporting actor in a motion picture . . . Christoph Waltz for Inglourious Basterds which I think was a pretty obvious choice.
  • Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio presenting Martin Scorsese with an award. Was brilliant seeing them on the stage together and talking about everything they have done in the films and what an impact he has had on films. Leo sees Marty as his friend and mentor, thats nice !!!
  • Marty’s speech was just brilliant after seeing clips from his films. Everyone in the audience gave him a standing ovation, Kate Winslet and Julia Roberts lead the cheering which was great. You can tell that everyone respects Marty by the way they were watching him.
  • Jodie Foster introduces The Hurt Locker.
  • Mel Gibson is presenting after a very cheeky joke from Ricky Gervais about drinking. Director of a motion picture . . . James Cameron for Avatar. Could this be the first hint of the Oscar going to James Cameron too??? He thought his ex-wife was going to win it.
  • Best TV series comedy/musical . . . Glee. Yes, I really was hoping that Glee would win this. It’s brilliant! All of the cast decided to get on the stage as well.
  • Reese Witherspoon presenting motion picture comedy or musical . . . and the winner is The Hangover.
  • Mickey Rourke (yay) presenting actress in a motion picture drama. He always seems so shy when he has to talk on a show like this.
  • The winner is . . . Sandra Bullock for The Blind Side.
  • Best actor in a comedy or musical . . . Robert Downey Jr for Sherlock Holmes. This is a bit of an outside win I reckon. I love him though he is brilliant. A very funny speech as well.
  • I am really hoping that George Clooney is going to get the best actor award, will find out in a few seconds.
  • Kate Winslet is presenting best actor in a drama . . . Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart. Who got a standing ovation from the audience. They really let his speech be a long one !!!
  • The last award of the night best motion picture drama !!!
  • Presenting this my favorite Julia Roberts. She really does have a great smile. The Golden Globe goes to Avatar !!!
  • Interesting I was hoping for Up in the Air. O well never mind, this will make the Oscars more interesting.

BAFTA Awards 2010 – Long List

The long list of possible nominee’s for this year’s BAFTA awards has been released today. I was not going to blog about this, but as I got further down the long list and to the actor in a leading and supporting role, I was extremely happy to see both Michael Sheen and Timonthy Spall’s names down for their work in “The Damned United” which is a film I enjoyed a lot. So now we just have to hope that they both get into the last 5, who will then be up for the award. It is best of British so *fingers crossed*. Also the best adapted screenplay possibility for it too. 🙂

I am also pleased to see Gran Torino on the list too, as it missed the cut off point for last year, if I remember rightly someone didn’t send a copy of the film in time for it to be viewed? Clint Eastwood could indeed be up against himself as Invictus is in the best picture and director list. Interesting . . . I suppose it is rather silly talking about that now.

Have to wait until 21st January to find out the actual nominations.

Continue reading “BAFTA Awards 2010 – Long List”

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