Happy International Women’s Day!

What better way to celebrate than sharing some of my favourite actresses on international women’s day?

Happy International Women’s Day!

What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than a collage of my favourite actresses who have brought me so much joy and escapism from watching them in films or tv shows over the years!

Sextette (1978) Review


Marlo Manners has just got married to Sir Michael Barrington her 6th husband! As they try to start their life together an International conference in the same hotel is causing problem as one of her ex-husbands the Russian delegate wants one more fling with her, will the tapes about her affairs and life spoil or save everything?


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“Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.”

Archibald Alexander Leach created the stage name Cary Grant and it seems that he even wanted to be Cary Grant as well. The title of this blog post is a quote from the great man himself. He was born in Bristol, England but later in his life once he reached the Hollywood leading man status he gained American citizenship.

He was nominated twice for an Academy Award but only ever won an honorary Oscar. Grant has often been voted the greatest movie star of all time – if not coming first he is very near the top. His charisma and on-screen presence really was just incredible, he had a brilliant charm and manner that it was impossible not to love him.

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Cool Off With The Classics

Cool off with the Classics . . . a blogathon consisting of a top 10 list of some classic black and white films. It didn’t really take very long for a few of the films to come straight to my mind for this list. I am not going to put them in any particular order, but 10 films are included.

Marc from Go, See, Talk has done it again with another fantastic blogathon and you can see the original post linked to everyone else’s posts here.

While some films came straight to my mind, I actually found it quite difficult to get to ten films without ending up with mainly Mae West and Marx Brothers films in the list. This has made me realise that I have a lot of films that I must watch!

After making the list I got to thinking about how all of the films I have chosen have so many quotes that are still repeated and loved today. Is that due to the black and white look of the films or just how times have changed? Also performance wise just seems to be so much better than a lot of the current day films.

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Top 10: Movie Characters I Would Like To Be For The Day

Well I stumbled across a post on My Filmviews blog titled Which Movie Character Would You Like To Be For The Day and decided to follow suit and complete my top 10 of movie characters I would like to be for the day. Putting this list together didn’t really take too long at all. Especially as most of the characters come from my favorite films.

I tried not to be shallow and pick characters based on their leading man . . . but I think that failed with some of the choices but I mean that had to be a coincident. I honestly didn’t do it on purpose! Yes a few of them are musical characters, maybe that’s because I am tone-deaf!

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Mae West: Before Her Time?

Mae West has often been described as one of the more controversial movie stars of her day, West encountered many problems including censorship. This brings me to the main point in this blog post about an incredible actress and performer who was so obviously well before her time, in terms of the roles she was playing. Her characters did not play second best to men, and some of the lines she was given are still fantastic quotes to this day. She really was just incredible. When you put everything into context based on the way life was back in the day when West was delivering these controversial lines it really must have been quite shocking at the time! A lot of these lines would still be brilliant if thought up today.

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