Hello by Adele – Disney Character Voices!

I know these have been done before but it doesn’t stop them being totally brilliant does it! Here is a fantastic video of a man singing Adele’s Hello with all different Disney characters and it is incredible!


“Me? I’m Scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw. I’m scared of what I did, of who I am and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.”

I have decided to start a new type of blog post on here, using a film quote that comes close to how I am feeling I am going to vent my thoughts and probably stress (and massive overthinking) in an attempt to get rid of it all to be honest. I am not going to set how often these blogs will be but I guess that just depends what exactly is going on in my life. Although I don’t really have a massive amount of a life at the moment, so much work and no time for much else. That is one of the reasons I love going to the cinema, that is my switch off and relaxing time (well maybe not always relaxing if I pick an awful film). This will be extremely film related though so don’t worry!

Having had a very tough few months and the past week with not a massive amount of sleep, I think it does play with your mind and makes it more difficult to see things rationally. That who paranoid state seems to creep in and you doubt well pretty much anything and everything. I think the above exchange between Portman and Kutcher is a great way to start, what a feeling right?

Continue reading ““Me? I’m Scared of everything. I’m scared of what I saw. I’m scared of what I did, of who I am and most of all I’m scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I’m with you.””

Oscars 2013

Well I wasn’t really ready for this years Oscars and didn’t manage to see all of the films nominated for Best Picture or the top acting awards. So I didn’t really seem that bothered about catching the show or trying to stay up late to watch it. First time host Seth MacFarlane didn’t really make me any more excited about it all, don’t get me wrong I really do like Family Guy, but figured he would be a bit much for the Oscars.

One little thing I didn’t realise though was that musicals were going to play  a big part in the show . . . Now if I had known this earlier . . .

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