7 Films you forgot Sarah Jessica Parker was in!

My previous blog post about Sarah Jessica Parker’s new film ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It’ got me thinking about her career on the silver screen. She has been in quite a lot of films now, but can you actually remember many of them? I am guessing for a lot of people the answer will probably be known. Most well-known for her role as Carrie Bradshaw in the Sex and the City TV Show.

When looking at her different roles to make this list, one thing that I seemed to notice is that not many of her characters are liked by the other characters. So that probably means that audiences aren’t really too fond on them either. That could possibly be a reason why SJP is not very well received by critics and movie watchers. Although I will always consider myself a fan after Sex and the City, and always hope that she gets some good movies to appear in.

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I Don’t Know How She Does It (2011) Trailer & Posters

I am in the minority in my love for Sarah Jessica Parker, yes I am a massive Sex and the City fan (more the TV show than the films) and actually do enjoy watching a lot of her films. In recent years they have been films which are very easy to watch and often enjoyable if you do not want something too serious. I think this film looks very charming and as a woman I do like to see something where a woman is in charge of everything!

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