News: Rourke Forced To Slim Down For Iron Man 2

YAY new Mickey news !!! It must be tough for him to loose the weight as he really did bulk up for ‘The Wrestler’.

Movie hardman Mickey Rourke is struggling to lose his beefed-up physique from 2008 movie The Wrestler in time to begin filming the new Iron Man sequel this summer.

Rourke gained 30 pounds (13.6 kilograms) of muscle to play washed-up grappler Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson in the movie.

But Iron Man 2 director Jon Favreau has ordered him to slim down for his role as Russian villain Whiplash in the new superhero film.

According to New York Magazine, the Manhattan-based movie star’s trainer is helping him shed the excess weight by putting him on a fast and only allowing him to dine out once a week.

Zellweger Puts Acting On Hold

Awww I want Renee to keep making movies!!! Must be nice that she can just decide to stop, and do nothing though haha. 

Renee Zellweger is taking a break from acting, so she can spend time doing nothing and “getting bored”.

The actress has worked non-stop since she shot to fame in the 1990s and hasn’t had time for any vacations.

But Zellweger admits she is in need of a break and has instructed her agent to turn down all movie offers until she’s fully rested.

She tells America’s Glamour magazine, “I’m working on getting bored, and it’s really hard! I need to sit still long enough to see where my brain goes. I’m taking time to figure out where I want to go and what I want to do next. In this line of work, you become so (defined by your job).”

And Zellweger insists she’s having fun rediscovering life’s simple pleasures.

She adds, “I’m actually going into the bathroom to use my bathroom stuff – rather than to the suitcase where I usually keep it. I’m learning how to use a chest of drawers! I am determined to sit still long enough to get past the existential crap of the moment.

“I want to learn more. I want to know more. That’s what taking this time is about. I’m curious about so many things, but haven’t had occasion to be exposed to them enough to really appreciate them.”

Jackman Pretended He Was Wolverine In The Gym

Nice bit of method acting, haha.

Hugh Jackman bulked up to play muscle-bound mutant Wolverine in the new X-men movie, by getting into character in the gym.

The actor’s buff new physique has helped the film, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, shoot to the top of the U.S. box office and reinforce his reputation as the Sexiest Man in the World.

But Jackman insists it didn’t come easily, and he had to pretend he really was the clawed superhero to push himself during workouts.

The Aussie star tells, “Ok, this is a little embarrassing but I’m a little more of a wuss in real life, obviously, than my character.

“There’s a moment when you’re training where you just want to give up. I used to kind of imagine myself, not when I was training with these guys because that’d be a little embarrassing, but when I was on my own with my trainer Michael, I used to kind of imagine I was Wolverine. Somehow, it always got two or three more reps out of me. It was also kind of humiliating with the yelling and it looked a little silly.”

Jackman Plots Wolverine’s Return

I can really see this happening, with the current movie being such a big hit !!!

Hugh Jackman is to get his claws into Wolverine once again – the actor is set to revive his X-men character for a fifth time with another prequel.

The Australian star is currently top of the U.S. box office with his latest comic book outing as the superhero mutant in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

And movie bosses have given the go ahead for a follow-up to the movie after it scored massive takings of $87 million (£58.5 million) in its opening weekend.

Jackman shot to fame when he landed the iconic role in the original trilogy of X-Men films and is not ready to hang up his claws just yet, according to

The new movie will reportedly be set in Japan and follow a samurai storyline originated in the comic book series.

Ford And Craig Sign Up For Prince Charles’ Eco-video

I think its really good that the actors are willing to help out 🙂

British royal Charles, Prince Of Wales has enlisted the help of stars including Harrison Ford, Robin Williams and Daniel Craig for a promotional video to help save the rainforests.

The environmentally-friendly royal shot the comedy clip – featuring a computer generated frog in every scene – to help raise awareness of his Rainforest Project, which aims to curb deforestation around the world.

Ford is seen with the frog – a victim of the disappearing rainforests – sitting on his shoulder as he calls himself “a friend of frogs” and vows his allegiance to the project.

Williams and Craig also star, along with soul singer Joss Stone, the Dalai Lama and Charles’ sons Princes William and Harry.

Cleese: ‘Fawlty Towers Was Rejected’

That is so bad that it was originally rejected, its such a funny show !!!

British funnyman John Cleese had to fight to get his legendary sitcom Fawlty Towers commissioned by the BBC – because bosses at the company initially turned the show down.

The veteran comic has kept a 1974 rejection letter from a BBC script editor who made a raft of scathing criticisms about the “dire” show – which nearly persuaded Cleese to abandon the project.

The note read, “It’s a collection of cliches and stock characters which I can’t see as being anything but a disaster.”

But the star refused to give up and his plans were eventually accepted by TV bosses. The series aired in 1975 and went on to become one of Britain’s all-time classic comedy programmes.

Cleese says, “It just shows you people have no idea what they are doing.”

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