Double Dynamite (1951) Review

Johnny Dalton is an innocent bank teller who just happened to win money gambling on horses and is accused of stealing from the bank he works at, helped by Emile J. Keck a waiter.


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Monkey Business (1931) Review


The four Marx Brothers are on board a ship to America as stowaways which means they are about to cause so much chaos! They end up involved with feuding gangsters and must save the day when arriving in America when the daughter of one gangster is kidnapped.


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Cool Off With The Classics

Cool off with the Classics . . . a blogathon consisting of a top 10 list of some classic black and white films. It didn’t really take very long for a few of the films to come straight to my mind for this list. I am not going to put them in any particular order, but 10 films are included.

Marc from Go, See, Talk has done it again with another fantastic blogathon and you can see the original post linked to everyone else’s posts here.

While some films came straight to my mind, I actually found it quite difficult to get to ten films without ending up with mainly Mae West and Marx Brothers films in the list. This has made me realise that I have a lot of films that I must watch!

After making the list I got to thinking about how all of the films I have chosen have so many quotes that are still repeated and loved today. Is that due to the black and white look of the films or just how times have changed? Also performance wise just seems to be so much better than a lot of the current day films.

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