Top 10 – Worst Films of 2019

This year has been a very good year for films and I do always try to pick better and ensure I don’t go and see the mindless comedies that I know I will not enjoy. But it is not possible to fully do that and here are the ten worst films that I managed to see in 2019! This is both cinema released and then films I have caught up with on streaming services Netflix and Amazon Prime, also on flights (a great place to catch up with new releases that you might have missed).

My Cinema 2019 list – here
2019 Films overall – here

Check out the list . . .

10. After (Review)
A total awful film for 2019 when you think about the Me Too movement and empowerment for women then this is thrown out there and telling teenagers that they must always look for love and do everything for a boy. That is seriously what this film promotes and I am still quite shocked that anyone thought it was a good idea to make something like this which was similar to Fifty Shades but for teenagers instead. Confusing lust for love, it has a sequel in the works as well just to make it even worse.

9. Tall Girl (Review)
This film tries to be a new and different take on High School life but it falls into stereotypes. The tall girl having issues actually finding someone to date because she is embarrassed about her height. Enter an exchange student with one of the worst ever accents attempted in any film ever (that may just be very over the top but seriously it was such a terrible effort). Nothing was nice about the film at all.

8. Men in Black: International (Review)
The Men in Black films have always been rather popular especially the first and maybe even the second film. So to then not have Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones involved in this at all was never going to work in a positive manner. I really do feel for Chris Hemsworth who away from Thor has somehow been given the stupid male role, think of Ghostbusters as well!

7. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (Review)
The X-Men universe has gotten very complicated and too complex for its own good in recent years and this was no different. They seem to use an opt out for pretending that things did not actually happen and everything gets wiped and back to the previous “future” or “present” or whatever they decide is the right thing to do now. It really hasn’t done anything for Sophie Turner post Game of Thrones.

6. The Intruder (Review)
A haunting sound or moment from 2019 films for me is that Dennis Quaid actually growls in this one, as the creepy man who sold his house but never actually wanted to leave it. Constantly hanging around the young couple who had moved in has you on edge all of the time. Coming out of the cinema I actually had a conversation with a random stranger as we both were trying to accept what we had just witnessed.

5. Secret Obsession (Review)
A woman waking from the hospital and not being able to remember anything told by a man that he is her husband when actually he was a crazy stalker who had watched her from afar rather than actually being in a relationship together. The storyline and silly moments were not helped with anything in the acting department either.

4. Stuber (Review)
Trying to take a guy just doing an Uber to make more money and then getting involved in murder and so many different things across just one day. I mean it is supposed to be a comedy but I cannot really think of anything funny in the film at all. I actually missed this at the cinema but then decided to watch it on a flight. I wish I had just never bothered with it at all.

3. Serenity (Review)
I am seriously as shocked as anyone reading this list that I have a film with Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway firmly on my worst list. But Serenity is a truly horrific film that had some awful scenes and moments which were not enjoyable to watch at all. Considering this was a premiere on Sky Cinema it is actually impressive that I managed to watch this until the end, waiting for the stupid twist that was dumb.

2. Hellboy (Review)
A very bizarre film with the different creatures which actually looked a little bit funny to say the least I think I am still a a little bit haunted by the pig/hog thing that reminded me of a character from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, which was back in the 90s so something in 2019 with the chance of CGI is a very poor effort really!

1. Holmes & Watson (Review)
Unfortunately this was one of the first films I saw at the cinema in 2019, I actually read the very bad reviews and decided that something really could not be that bad at all. It was even worse than those horrific reviews. When a film starts with a quote from a Hannah Montana episode you then know that it is not going to improve at all. So many of the attempted jokes were just insulting and nothing in the film was funny at all. I was left wondering just what Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly were thinking with this one.

Did you watch any of these films? Which were the worst films you watched during 2019?

8 thoughts on “Top 10 – Worst Films of 2019

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  1. Nice List, I may have missed most of them lol, I did however like Hellboy, but i am weird.

    I didn’t put together a worst list this year, i only didn’t like two films, The Lion King and Black Christmas, i did feel let down by Men in Black, how can they make it boring?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Of that list, I only saw two. Dark Phoenix and Men in Black International. And I agree with you. I’m was not happy with those. A couple others would have been movies I would have wanted to see but they looked so bad I decided I better just pretend they never happened. (I’m looking at you Hellboy.) And the others just looked so incredibly stupid that were not worth even considering. So I think you have a good list here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I know these are always tough lists to put together but considering I also saw cats and that didn’t even make the final 10 on this list. Quite a few have come from Netflix so while they have had a very impressive year overall still some terrible films that I watched because of when they put that damn trailer on when you log in!


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