Annie (2014) Review

A remake of the classic stage show and film. Annie is no longer an orphan, but a foster kid and her life changes when she is saved by tycoon Will Sacks.

Everything has been changed about this much-loved story, trying to fit it into modern-day life with a lot of tweeting and mobile phones going on. But that isn’t the worst of it, they have totally butchered the incredible songs, added some new ones and even taken some of them out. It is a total mess.

Obviously if you follow and read my blog regularly you will know of my love for musical theatre and musical films. I wasn’t massively interested in seeing this one though as had heard it was awful. But I still wanted to check it out incase I actually quite liked it as that has happened before. Not this time though I probably dislike this more than people who aren’t usually a fan of musicals. I just kept thinking “why?” and came up with no answer at all to that.

The casting is horrific and you cannot help but compare it all the way through the film you loved as a kid and just wished you were watching that one again. Your waiting for the songs you know and love, but this version has totally killed all of the good messages the show and that film brings. This one has nothing, although maybe if something happens to you and your well-known people tweeting pictures will get you out of trouble?

Honestly I cannot believe someone let them release this rubbish. Massively miscast with awful attempts of singing, why not actually get some actors and actresses in who have been on the stage or at least have a good musical theatre background. That might be picky but even just listen to a song on the soundtrack (wouldn’t recommend anyone going to see this at the cinema).

It just makes no sense at all, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it . . . I mean the stage show is still going all over the world a new UK tour is happening from next summer and that won’t be the rubbish versions of the songs in this film that’s for sure. It is the must be tried and tested songs which everyone already loves.

Jamie Foxx is the only member of the cast who is actually decent at singing but just doesn’t fit right into the role for me. Which is a shame as I usually quite like him, just can’t believe he got involved in this mess of a film. However Cameron Diaz has to be the worst part about it, especially when she gets two of the best show stealing songs in ‘Little Girls’ and ‘Easy Street’ they are horrendous from start to finish. Surely she plays Miss Hannigan in the exact same way as her Bad Teacher role?

So you are best of totally avoiding this mess of a remake as it offers nothing new and takes away some of the best parts about the story. It takes away it’s soul and whole point behind it. Although maybe that’s just life now? All of the technology we have has really changed everything.

Tomorrow, tomorrow . . . I love ya tomorrow . . .

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